We're in this Together
The Open Space Authority is a growing agency with a big mission. We can only accomplish our work through extensive partnerships with like-minded organizations and community partners. Together, we are protecting and restoring nature landscapes, connecting people to nature, providing outdoor education and caring for natural resources and the places people love for future generations.

Partnering for Land Conservation
We work with public and private partners to identify, prioritize and fund the acquisition and management of connected and accessible open space lands and trails.

Connecting People to Nature & Increasing Open Space Access
We collaborate with partners to promote the use of public transit to access nature, and we connect residents to local trails, community gardens and open spaces through our Grant Programs. We partner with Santa Clara County and cities in our jurisdiction in their efforts to build networks of protected and connected parks and trail systems.

Environmental Educational Programs
We partner with education providers and organizations to provide hands-on nature experiences for all ages across our jurisdiction, at open space preserves and in urban parks and spaces funded through our Urban Grant program.

Tribal Partnerships
We partner with local Tribes as they work to reconnect with their ancestral and traditional lands, to promote their role as partners in land stewardship and to find shared solutions to today's conservation challenges for future generations. Learn more on our Tribal Partnership page.
Some of Our Recent Partners
Tribal Partnerships
- Amah Mutsun Tribal Band
- Tamien Nation
- Muwekma Ohlone Tribe of the San Francisco Bay Area
Community Partners
- Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST)
- Bay Area Ridge Trail Council
- California Native Plant Society of Silicon Valley
- Creekside Science
- Green Foothills
- Greenbelt Alliance
- Latino Outdoors
- League of Women Voters
- No Worries Amigo
- Point Blue Conservation Science
- San Jose Astrological Association
- Santa Clara Valley Bird Alliance
- Sustainable Agriculture Education (SAGE)
- Terre et Cité
- The Nature Conservancy
- Veggielution
- Ulistac Natural Area Rehabilitation and Education Project
Local Government Partners
- City of Campbell
- City of Milpitas
- City of Morgan Hill
- City of San José
- City of Santa Clara
- County of Santa Clara
- County of Santa Clara Office of Sustainability
- County of Santa Clara Department of Parks & Recreation
- Santa Clara County Climate Collaborative
- Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
- Valley Water
- Santa Clara Local Agency Formation Commission
- Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
- East Bay Regional Park District
- Assocation of Bay Area Governments/Metropolitan Transportation Commission
State Agency, Federal Agency and Foundation Partners
- California Natural Resources Agency
- California Department of Conservation
- California State Coastal Conservancy
- California State Parks
- California Strategic Growth Council
- California Wildlife Conservation Board
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife
- California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire)
- California Department of Transportation (Cal Trans)
- California Department of Water Resources
- California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES)
- California High-Speed Rail Authority
- Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
- David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Resources Legacy Fund
- S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
- United States Bureau of Reclamation
- United States Fish & Wildlife Service
- United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge
- Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail
Agency Memberships
- Land Trust Alliance
- Bay Area Ridge Trail Council
- Environmental Education Funders Collaborative
- Santa Clara County Special Districts Association
- California Special Districts Association
- Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce
- Santa Clara County Farm Bureau