Seven students sitting on bench smiling and holding up plants to the camera

CommUniverCity: Growing Sustainably


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority grant funded the San Jose State University Research Foundation's project, a signature CommUniverCity program, that aims to create a self-sustaining food system for low-income communities in Central San Jose where each child has opportunities to garden at a school garden or urban farm in their neighborhood. The program increases awareness of the importance of eating healthy, fresh foods, and promotes environmental stewardship among low-income children and their families.
Award Date:
November 10, 2016
Urban Grant Program
Central San Jose

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Other Success

Three students crouching on group digging a small hole

Outdoor Environmental Education for Title One Students

Outdoor Environmental Education for Title One Students

The Authority contributed funds to Guadalupe River Park Conservancy’s field trip program that allows for inquiry-based learning. The program is committed to getting children outdoors and uses Guadalupe River Park & Gardens' river, rose garden, and orchard as an outdoor lab. The program prioritizes serving Title One students and connects them to their local environment while providing hands-on science lessons that teachers cannot deliver inside their classrooms

Children smiling together in garden

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Championing Environmental Literacy in Campbell Elementary Schools

Living Classroom has partnered with the Campbell Union School District to continue an environmental education program focusing on three key areas: environmental literacy, connection to healthy food, and life and earth science lessons. Authority funds will contribute to a Next Generation Science Standard-aligned curriculum program providing lessons each year to thousands of students; lessons that stimulate curiosity and are taught in the beautiful and educational school gardens we create and maintain.

Two people in field of shrubs looking closely at plants

Coyote Creek BioBlitz Events

Coyote Creek BioBlitz Events

The Authority contributed funds towards a series of Bioblitz Events hosted by Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful. Coyote Creek is a diverse natural area with multiple types of habitat for varied wildlife. The four BioBlitz events took place at two locations along the creek, where the public helped document animal and plant species with a simple mobile app, iNaturalist. These events aimed to attract diverse participants, including people who may spend little time in nature and can expose more people to the outdoors in a new way.