Group of students working in garden as part of Eastside Explorers program

Eastside Explorers


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority helped to fund Veggielution’s Eastside Explorers, an experiential, hands-on field trip program which engages hundreds of middle school students each year. Field trip activities are centered around collaborative group tasks focused on urban agriculture, nutrition, human impacts, and ecological interconnections. Veggielution's historical location in East San José encourages discovery while pushing students and teachers to develop a sense of teamwork and fostering a strong sense of place.
Award Date:
May 24, 2018
Urban Grant Program
647 S. King Rd San Jose, CA 95116

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Other Success

Blue interpretive panel with title Get Out to Your Local Wild next to paved trail

Gateway to Trails and Parks

Gateway to Trails and Parks

The Authority contributed funds to the Bay Area Ridge Trail Council for the Gateway to Trails and Parks: Ridge Trail Interpretive, Wayfinding and Outings project at Berryessa BART Station. The project used the opening of the new Berryessa BART station to introduce and connect the public to the outstanding network of trails, parks, and open space in Santa Clara County. The Berryessa station includes a new section of the Bay Area Ridge Trail and connects directly to the Penitencia Creek Trail and other trails, offering access to many nearby parks and open spaces. This project promotes exciting new opportunities to combine transit and trails for recreation and transportation.

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CommUniverCity: Growing Sustainably

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Coyote Creek BioBlitz Events

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