Student examining tree in Guadalupe River Park
Two students using waders to explore creek

Outdoor Environmental Education for Title One Students


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority contributed funds to Guadalupe River Park Conservancy’s field trip program that allows for inquiry-based learning. The program is committed to getting children outdoors and uses Guadalupe River Park & Gardens' river, rose garden, and orchard as an outdoor lab. The program prioritizes serving Title One students and connects them to their local environment while providing hands-on science lessons that teachers cannot deliver inside their classrooms
Award Date:
June 14, 2018
Urban Grant Program
Guadalupe River Park & Gardens

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Other Success

Students doing plant science activity in garden

Campbell School District Edible & Native Habitat Gardens

Campbell School District Edible & Native Habitat Gardens

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Albertson Parkway

Albertson Parkway

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Historic farm equipment on brown grass field at Santa Teresa County Historic Park

Santa Teresa County Historic Park

Santa Teresa County Historic Park

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