Students in garden looking at plants

Campbell School District Edible & Native Habitat Gardens


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority helped to fund Living Classroom’s partnership with Campbell Unified School District to implement their new Environmental Literacy Initiative called "Champions for Change.” This project focuses on designing, installing, and maintaining new and enhanced edible and native habitat gardens on all Campbell Unified School District campuses and providing garden-based lessons across all grade levels with the aim of connecting students to nature and the sources of their food and graduating environmentally literate students by 8th grade.
Award Date:
May 9, 2018
Urban Grant Program
Schools throughout the Campbell School District

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Other Success

Farm field with rows of green crops

Small-Scale Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture in Santa Clara County Report

Small-Scale Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture in Santa Clara County Report

The Authority contributed funds to the Santa Clara County Food System Alliance project which addresses the issue of economic and social viability of small-scale urban and peri-urban agricultural operations in Santa Clara County. The Alliance will produce a report that highlights potential models for creating successful small-scale agricultural operations and identifies marketing and distribution systems that expand healthy food access by linking a viable urban and peri-urban agricultural system to residents of Santa Clara County, particularly underserved communities. The report will also provide recommendations illustrating how to implement potentially successful models in the county. The data and recommendations in the report will be useful for policymakers, elected officials, partner organizations, beginning and existing small farmers, and they will feed into the Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Strategy process and Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone implementation.

San Jose Conservation Corps Naturalist Program

San Jose Conservation Corps Naturalist Program

In collaboration with the UC California Naturalist Program, San Jose Conservation Corps (SJCC) is training and certifying 25 Corpsmembers as California Naturalists. As SJCC becomes a UC California Naturalist partner, the organization will have the capacity to provide the certification in-house. With support from the grant, SJCC will train 75 Corpsmembers overall and have them all receive their California Naturalist Certification. Funds are utilized for Corpsmember wages, guest speaker stipends, and training materials/supplies.

Students circled around scientist holding small bird

Coyote Creek Field Station Environmental Education Program

Coyote Creek Field Station Environmental Education Program

The Authority contributed funds towards San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory's (SFBBO) Coyote Creek Field Station Environmental Education Program. SFBBO operates a research bird-banding station at Coyote Creek, located at the urban boundary of San Jose and Milpitas, and engages dozens of volunteers and hundreds of visitors each year. For this project, SFBBO worked with interns from local universities to develop a place and a inquiry-based education module to bring students from six classrooms to engage in both classroom and field learning activities.