Community members read displays and write feedback on table displays

Roots Down


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority is helping to fund Veggielution’s 18-month land use planning process in partnership with the City of San José PRNS to develop a comprehensive vision for Veggielution’s six-acre community farm at Emma Prusch Farm Park in context with its historic location, natural and urban resources, and aspirations of our local community. This land use plan will guide Veggielution’s use and development of these six acres over a 15-year or more time period. A variety of unique urban agriculture and open space opportunities will be explored through the planning process, including educational signage and wayfinding, commercial kitchen space, art installations, and green technology such as rainwater capture, flood protection, and solar installation.
Award Date:
May 9, 2018
Urban Grant Program
647 S. King Rd San Jose, CA 95116

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Other Success

Group of people on hike

Bay Area Older Adults Trailblazers Program

Bay Area Older Adults Trailblazers Program

Bay Area Older Adults Trailblazers is an environmental education walking program that increases access to open spaces for our most vulnerable older adults: visually impaired and blind and widowed. Authority funds will help provide accessible and multisensory learning about nature, to increase environmental stewardship, encourage social engagement and physical activity to improve overall health.

Smiling students and teacher around raised garden bed with sprinkler hose

Campbell School District Garden-Based Instruction

Campbell School District Garden-Based Instruction

The Authority’s grant helped fund Living Classroom’s Garden-Based Instruction in the Campbell School District. Living Classroom's environmental education program focuses in three key areas: environmental literacy, connection to healthy food, and science learning that is relevant and real to the lives of students. Living Classroom will provide a full-service program to schools, including lesson instruction to hundreds of classrooms with multiple lessons for each class each year over multiple years, lesson materials, garden installation and maintenance, and recruitment and training of volunteer parents and docents. The goal of the Authority-funded portion the program was to provide top quality, engaging garden-based learning experiences in the areas of science, nutrition, math, and social studies for at least 1,200 K-3 students at five Campbell schools

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