2024 Annual Impact Report

Learn about our biggest accomplishments of 2024!

Two children on tricycles ride away from the camera on a dirt and gravel pathway bordered by native plants and large trees

Ulistac Natural Area

City of Santa Clara

About the Project

The Open Space Authority funded two phases of improvements for this 40 acres of open space along the Guadalupe River in Santa Clara in 1999 and again in 2004. The projects included trail design and construction as well as removal of exotic plant species, revegetation, irrigation and fence and gate improvements. The natural area now features native vegetation representing a variety of plant communities connected by a series of trails.

Join author and accessibility blogger Mark Hehir and the Open Space Authority's Teri Rogoway for an online presentation about their exploration of Ulistac Natural Area.
A community garden with several rows of large raised wooden garden beds, full of leafy green plants and vegetables
20% Funding Program
Grant Amount
Year Awarded

"This place is a sanctuary, it brings the community together, both here in Santa Clara County and people from around the world. Everyone comes out there each day to take a walk, smile at their neighbors, and get a momentary escape from their cubicles. We need more places like this.”

Dennis Dowling , Ulistac Natural Area Restoration & Education Project Director