Hikers in rain jackets standing on trail facing camera and smiling

South Bay Expansion (2018)


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

Bay Area Wilderness Training (BAWT) creates opportunities for underserved Bay Area youth to experience wilderness firsthand and have powerful environmental education experiences. The Authority contributed funds to help BAWT continue to expand services in Santa Clara County by conducting more outdoor leadership training courses, including full scholarships for South Bay focused leaders. Through this grant, BAWT will continue expansion of outdoor equipment lending and trip support services. This project is increasing the number of Santa Clara County outdoor trips for diverse youth and will help launch a legacy that will provide youth of color and low-income youth in the South Bay with outdoor experiences for many years to come.
Award Date:
May 9, 2018
Urban Grant Program
Various locations countywide

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Other Success

People hiking on trail

Community and Virtual BioBlitz Events

Community and Virtual BioBlitz Events

The Authority will help fund BioBlitz events which will allow people to learn about the diverse natural areas with varied wildlife along Coyote Creek and other South Bay parks. Throughout the ten BioBlitz events, naturalists will lead participants, some who may have spent little time in nature, to use iNaturalist, a mobile app, to document biodiversity. These events will continue to expose people to the outdoors in a new way. The four virtual BioBlitzes that will be offered will allow people to learn about local nature in-depth from naturalists and participate remotely

Community Garden with raised beds and rows of plants

Community Garden Expansion and Relocation

Community Garden Expansion and Relocation

The Authority contributed funds toward the City of Morgan Hill's expansion and relocation of the Morgan Hill Community Garden to a new site. The Garden outgrew its past temporary location and the site is programmed for redevelopment in the near future. This new permanent location enabled the Garden group to expand its services and make permanent improvements to the site that will serve the community for decades to come. In addition to doubling the number of garden plots, the new location includes a restroom, new native habitat, and enhanced accessibility for members with limited mobility.

Dirt trail along Bailey Ave

Ridge Trail Connection: Class I Trail Design along Bailey Ave

Ridge Trail Connection: Class I Trail Design along Bailey Ave

Authority funds will help the Bay Area Ridge Trail Council solve a complex trail crossing in North Coyote Valley between the Santa Cruz Mountains and western foothills of the Diablo Range. The project will result in a traffic study, survey, and preliminary design. Addressing a critical link between park and open space lands, this project aligns with multiple regional partners and local agency priorities of recreation and land conservation.